We are a committed and dedicated team
And we have made it to our mission to provide you with the best experience possible.


Welcome to AKB Business Champions – home of the Champions League of European Business Schools.

If you are looking for a challenge, you have come to the right place. Every year we host a one of a kind case study competition in Mannheim – and bring together Europe’s best in business. During the two-day competition, you will have the opportunity to tackle challenging cases, broaden your horizons and hone your skills – all in a unique environment.

We pride ourselves on being more than just a case study competition – the AKB Business Champions encompasses everything from an exquisite corporate dinner to our legendary after party.

With our world changing so rapidly, it has never been more interesting to be a student. We invite you to join us in Mannheim as we tackle the challenges of tomorrow’s world in innovation, strategy, finance and sustainability!

– AKB Business Champions Team



Anna – Head of AKB Business Champions & CFO
Elena – Planning Manager
Jasper – Planning Manager

Participant Relations

Julius – Vice Head of AKB Business Champions & Head of Participant Relations 
Theo – Participant Relations Manager
Antonio – Participant Relations Manger

Corporate Relations

Katerina – Head of Corporate Relations
Moritz – Corporate Relations Manager
Fabian – Corporate Relations Manager


Lilli – Head of Communications
Laura – Communications Manager
Niklas – Communications Manager


Maurice – Head of IT
Nils O. –  IT Manager Website Development
Nils R. – IT Manager App Development

Team Comments

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